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Tunnel Vision
May 22, 2017

Every week we’re approached by electrical contractors and engineers with a need for unique installations, custom configurations or product customization.

Each time we receive one of these requests our answer is always the same: “Why not?”. And our customers typically respond with: “You can do that?”. Seems many companies are simply not used to hearing “yes” from wire management manufacturers and their distributors.

Two such examples of MonoSystems saying “Why Not?” are recent projects for the MTA’s South Ferry Subway Line and Seattle’s I-90 Tunnel Lighting Project.

MTA South Ferry Subway Line Post-Hurricane Sandy Power Renovation

BACKGROUND: On October 29, 2012 the surge level from Hurricane Sandy at Battery Park in New York tops 13.88 feet at 9:24 pm surpassing the old record of 10.02 feet, set by Hurricane Donna in 1960. New York Harbor’s surf reaches a record level when a buoy measures a 32.5-foot wave. That wave is 6.5 feet taller than a 25-foot wave churned up by Hurricane Irene in 2011.

Hurricane Sandy destroyed the South Ferry Subway line. The electrical contractor sought out solutions for bringing power back to the lines from several manufacturers. The curved subway tunnel posed unique fabrication and installation challenges. But the electrical contractor in charge was unhappy with the initial solution provided by a competing manufacturer. When presented with this challenging opportunity, MonoSystems provided a unique solution that had to work within the confines of curved walls, limited space, and limited access points. By working closely with the contractor, the system was installed in 1/3 the budgeted time. This was a well planned, well designed, and well executed solution.

One important side note: When this installation was completed, there were only 19 inches of leftover ladder tray. Just 19 inches!

To see our video on Youtube, go to this link:

WSDOT / Seattle I-90 Tunnel Lighting Upgrade Project

The company in charge of installing the new I-90 Tunnel Lighting System, Transcon Company, reached out to several leading wire management manufacturers for a solution which was to be a custom configuration meant to hold roadway tunnel lighting fixtures.

“Due to the difficult of the design, we were turned away from nearly all the leading manufacturers” , said Blas Bustamante, TRANSCON Company. “MonoSystems accepted the design challenges as is and through the submittal process made a few small changes which were easily approved by the owner WSDOT.”  He continued, “Once approved MonoSystems delivered the cable tray along with all the related hardware in less than 4 weeks.”

A few key technical points: > This was a seismic job where the cable tray was designed to the engineer’s specific standards > Laser cut weep slots were designed in to prevent build of moisture/water which is common in tunnels > The tray was designed so that it was an integral support structure to their lighting installation needs.

In the end, Blas Bustamante stated that, “Monosystems was the only cable tray manufacturer that could help us in the United States. We were extremely pleased with Monosystems overall effort and the fast production schedule.”

To see our video on Youtube, go to this link:

Both case studies are good examples of our commitment to respond to difficult wire management installations and challenges with 2 words: “Why not?”
